Presenting Sponsor of Fishing For Life


Outdoor Women For Life (OWLs) is dedicated to nurturing deep connections centered around spiritual mentorship, empowering women on their unique paths of faith. Our mission is to cultivate an inclusive community of Christian-minded women who share a love for outdoor adventures.

At OWLs, women aged 18 and above come together to bond over a diverse range of outdoor activities. More than just an ordinary outdoor group, we provide a platform for meaningful connections and mutual encouragement in our spiritual journeys.

Our activities span a spectrum, including but not limited to fishing, volunteering at fishing events, kayaking, canoeing, hiking, range gun shooting, and archery. We aim to gather at least four times a year, with plans to expand our offerings annually.

During the Fall and Winter months, we engage in virtual Bible book studies, further enriching our spiritual growth and fellowship.

For further details about our group, reach out to OWL’s Coordinator,  Patti at To stay updated on upcoming events, refer to our calendar below. Join us as we embark on a journey of faith and adventure together.

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